Documentation + User Guide

Documentation + User Guide

“Don’t make me run, I’m full of chocolate” has progressed well over the development cycles. Each update has made the game closer to the initial concept of the design. However, due to time and knowledge constraint, the game has not ended up exactly as planned. The concept was to be similar to a game like jetpack joyride, temple run or flappy birds. I loved playing these games as a kid. I feel like the current game is more like Pacman or snake. The world’s design changed from a gym setting to more of a farm. This was due to my limited artistic ability. This also was a factor in the character design. The Player movement has been exactly as I had envisioned. The enemy mechanics are what I had planned however, the models look more like jellyfish than a gym teacher.

The testing session was a great experience for feedback. I felt as though the feedback was that the game had potential however was very limited and basic. A few bugs were mentioned however, there was nothing game-breaking. I attempted to fix some of these bugs but made little progress. I was able to fix a bug with the high score not displaying. It was due to me not linking the correct text. Another unsolved issue is that on Itch, when the player collects the chocolate, all the background decorations disappear. This is not an issue with the unity version.

I feel the game is in a playable state, so I am happy to release the game as is.

Asset List

Top-Down 2D RPG Assets Pack – This was used for the world creation and enemy models.

Goldmetal. (2021, Feb 10). Top-Down 2D RPG Assets Pack. Retrieved from Unity Assest Store:

Chocolate PNG Image – This is the image used for the chocolate

lovepik. (n.d.). Chocolate PNG Image. Retrieved from lovepik:    

Free Sound Effects Pack – This is used for the pickup sound for the chocolate.

Olivier Girardot. (2019, 08 23). Free Sound Effects Pack. Retrieved from Unity Asset Store:

Absolutely Free Music – This is used for the background music of the game.

Vertex Studio. (2015, 04 7 ). Absolutely Free Music. Retrieved from Unity Asset Store:

User guide

Don’t make me run, I’m full of chocolate

This is a top-down game where you must avoid ghosts while collecting chocolate to survive. Each chocolate will give your health back and increase your score. For single player, use WASD to move. For two players, the second character is controlled with the arrow keys. 


“Play” – This will take you to the Game Menu

“High score” – This will show you the current High Score

“Quit” – Surprisingly, this will exit the game.

Below is the High score screen. This is made by using a script to save the player’s high scores and the name they have imputed (This will be shown later) and displays them.

Once the player selects the play button, they will be taken to the Game Menu. This gives the player the option of one or two players. Then they are taken to the intro screen. This gives the player a brief introduction to how to play the game before they begin.

Finally, once the player dies, they are either taken to the game over screen or the new high score screen. The new high score screen is triggered if the player earns more than the previous saved high score. If not, they are sent to the Game over the screen.

Below is the Game screen.

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Oct 14, 2022

Get Don’t make me run I’m full of chocolate - Game Concept

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