Enemies and Interaction
Enemies and Interactions
This is the third devlog for my game Don’t make me run I’m full of chocolate. This log will have details about the enemies and interactions.
First, a quick update on the previous devlog. I have implemented the suggestion of having the flowers as part of the background so the player can walk over them. I have also changed the map slightly
This stage of development was focused on developing the core game loop. This included adding player health, enemies, and chocolate.
Player Health
Player health was implemented using a “player health” script. This script gives the player a value of health. If the player falls to zero health, they are destroyed. The most difficult part of this was adding in a decay rate. The player will take damage over time and must collect the chocolate pick-ups to survive. The player’s health is represented with a visual slider in the top right. As the player loses health, the slider will decrease. The player’s health will drop faster if the enemy catches the player. They gain health back with each chocolate.

The enemy is designed to catch and destroy the player. The asset for the model was used from the asset pack as the background (Goldmetal, 2021). I set up animations for the enemy however, at this point, it isn’t working as expected. The enemy has a script attached to seek and move toward the player. When the player comes in contact with the enemy, the camera will change, giving a clear indication that the player has been caught.
The chocolate is simple right now. When picked up, it respawns at a random location on the screen. It also avoids spawning onto objects that the player can’t reach. When it collides with the player, it adds health.
The feedback from members of the tutorial group was mostly that the level worked as expected. The game loop was fine however it was very easy. Some suggestions were made about the chocolate spawning a certain distance from the player each time.
Goldmetal. (2021, Feb 10). Top-Down 2D RPG Assets Pack. Retrieved from Unity Assest Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/characters/top-down-2d-rpg-assets-pack-...
Get Don’t make me run I’m full of chocolate - Game Concept
Don’t make me run I’m full of chocolate - Game Concept
Status | Prototype |
Author | Tarnsky |
Genre | Platformer |
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